Originally posted November 11th, 2005.
I've decided to detail the great wonder and power that is in the name Curtis. The name itself means "courteous one" but I feel that there are so many poignant variations that I believe it is the greatest English name ever.
Let's start off with Curt - meaning rudely brief or abrupt. Now just the fact that my nickname is an antonym of courteous is interesting enough. But the fact that the name already provides a range of personality traits gives the holder of the name tremendous leeway. He can be a gentleman or a brute and be true to his name.
Then to shorten the name further we get to the word "cur" - which is a derogatory term literally meaning dog. So it takes the range even further by labeling the man a mongrel or a base and cowardly person. I feel this adds character to the name - that a man might be worthless really emphasizes his actual worth when it is present.
Then there is the curtsy, bending the knees as a sign of respect. Amazing, don't you think? The more you stretch out the name, the more civilized one becomes. But still you remain at the core, barbaric.
And who can forget that with a East Coast accent Curtis can easily become Coitus. Like "Hey Coitus wanna play some stickball?" Now for those who do not know Latin, coitus means sexual intercourse. Boy, there's not much to say about that one.
And rather than bore you here are some other highlight versions of my name:
Cutis - dermal, or of the skin
Cutie - a cute person
Cortez - Spanish conqueror
Curtail - to cut short or reduce
Curdy - pertaining to curds, or coagulated milk
Curtain - material that hangs in a window or the end or death (i.e. It shall be curtains for Bernard when I see him again)
Curtana - a pointless sword, the sword of mercy
And finally Curtis in reverse is Sitruc.
Definitions were acquired from dictionary.com
Let me know what you think or other variations I missed.
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