Posted February 09th, 2005.
Ok the meaning of life is..... anyone? no? Well I think I got it figured out. No really, I'm being serious. Does anyone else get frustrated by the fact that we can never be satisfied? We never get to that point where we can say, "ahhh, now I'm set for life" We're constantly searching for more. Case in point: whenever I run I shoot for a goal time and I have hit several goals. But no matter how fast I run I will never be COMPLETELY satisfied cuz I'd always have something to improve or at least in my mind I'd think I could do better. Same goes for school, if you take grades as a priority, that no matter what your GPA is you will always want it to be higher. (magna cum laude baby!! lol) Honestly, I am never satisfied with what I do. So I have come to the conclusion that mankind's lot in life is not to set goals and try to accomplish them but rather to enjoy NOW. To breathe in the beauty of now. To make every single part of your life into art. Writing an essay? Make it the best you can. Doing chores? Take pride in doing your part. Changing your mindset is certainly not easy but its very rewarding. Of course I'm not saying give up making goals and making plans for the future. But finding satisfaction is far more important than reaching goals and so your first priority must be to take the mundane and flower it into something beautiful.
But no matter how hard we try we are tuned in towards eternity. The most existential question we ask is "Where do I go when I die?" because it brings into question whether we have a soul or not. I find it amazing that people refuse to believe in a God but then also believe that there is something special about them, a soul. No, if you refuse to believe in God then you're saying a spritual realm doesn't exist. In that case you only have the physical realm filled with molecules and cells and neurons. And free will? No God means no free will. But I guess that's tangential to the point I'm trying to make lol. I'm so random. Ok so the two most satisfying things to satisfying things to focus on are the present and eternity. The past and the future (while on earth) really just leave us with regrets and worries. But in the security of heaven and the beauty of now, we can find meaning.
By the way, I got invited for a interview at Fuller, so that was a plus in terms of grad school happenings :)
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