I've been searching the web some to understand blogs and their origin and found out something interesting: they are supposed to be a log of what is occurring on the web. As opposed to online journals, which are personal accounts, blogs write specifically about online news, internet changes, and other stuff that occurs online. Considering all this I've decided my blog is more of a muse than either a blog or an online journal. But since it's officially called a blog I give you this article on Bono to enjoy.
In my opinion, Bono is a real pioneer. The church has lost the vision of caring for the poor but, as the article says, is reviving that interest. If I understand Bono's goal correctly it's that he hopes that there will no longer be people living on less than a dollar a day anywhere in the world. I applaud his vision and his passion. The article writes, "Bono said lately he's been struck by Isaiah 58, and particularly verse 8, which in several translations says if you help the poor, the Lord will be 'your rearguard.' Bono told us, 'God will watch your back. I love the street aspect of that.' Then he quietly added, 'And it's really been true in my own life.'"
Other parts of the article I enjoyed were:
"Asked about his own past criticism of contemporary gospel music, Bono admitted he was referring to what he saw as 'happy clappy' songs that lacked 'grit.' He said such music doesn't mean anything to him 'without a truth telling of where you are and where you live in your life.'"
I share his frustration that Christian songs have lost their honest appraisal of where we really stand before God. Many songs have focused on telling God how much we love him. Well that forgets to mention the precondition for our love for him - that he first loved us.
"With spontaneous eloquence, he said being a worship leader must be 'the highest of all art forms, to worship and call people into the presence of God.'"
Bono really is quite the poet. I consider U2 to be my favorite band largely because of how Bono's lyrics are both honest and hopeful at the same time.
1 comment:
try this for something about bono: http://www.mindandsoulblog.com/2005/02/how_to_dismantl.html
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